Conscious Cups






The Project

Conscious Cups, a wellness benefits provider for non-corporate workers, launching their early access membership as an NFT. Lead by creative genius Alec Joseph, known for obsession with detail in curating immersive experiences. Conscious Cups needed a simple and impactful landing page for the launch on its NFT and a prototype of their mobile app interface their members would use to access their benefits.

It was imperative that the landing page introduced a story and a main character without giving away the plot, while also demonstrating hints of the budding community and the benefits to come. The mobile app was an incredibly complex and multifaceted build. The prototype needed to demonstrate the apps ability to build profiles and connect with community members, visualize a user’s health tracking data, serve editorial content, and most importantly, be an interface to shop for products and services using a users credits.




Mobile App

Website +

Landing Page